Me and my grandaddy, Edgar Loudermilk |
Mama use to fry pork and after she took up the meat she would pour hot coffee into the grease and make "red-eye gravy" which we poured over a biscuit.
One time Daddy had killed a hog and there was all this fresh pork. Mama had been cooking and eating this fresh meat during the day, and during the night had a gall bladder attack. She had to have major surgery. She almost died from the combination of a highly infected gall bladder and the surgery, and it was triggered from all the fresh pork.
One of my favorite meals is fried fat back, small green onions, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and cornbread with fresh butter on the cornbread. Add some fried potatoes and you have a meal fit for a king.
Wonderful memories of a time when we grew and processed our own food. I would have no idea how to process the meat the way my parents and grandparents did. Good thing we have a grocery store near by.
The "good old days" really means the "hard working days." So thankful we don't have to depend on my knowledge of agriculture and food preservation. My family would starve to death.
It is me again, Lord, thank you for the good memories of a time long ago.
A little Georgia Wisdom: When you are given opportunities to have experiences or learn from your elders, make sure you don't walk away empty handed.
Oh Linda - that definitely brings back memories of grits, lace cakes and cornbread. While my family was "citified," I remember my Granny's cooking and those were some of my favorite foods! You're absolutely right that we have it easy when it comes to meal time - pop something in the microwave; take it out of the many easy options. I've only recently realized the pleasure of real cooking!