Have you ever watched a movie and thought about the words of wisdom the actor spoke? When the wise mother or grandmother gives her doting family those wonderful words to live by, I think to myself how I wish I could spew words of wisdom like that. All their conversations seem to be filled with just the right mixture of life experiences and inspired intervention.
When I became a mother and wanted to be the right mix of inspiration to my children, I realized that I didn't have a script writer to put those life changing words in my mouth. My twenty-two years of life experience didn't prepare me to be the perfect mother. In fact, I wasn't prepared at all. I had changed diapers, made bottles and taken care of babies, but when those little bundles of responsibility were mine, I knew I was out of my league.
There was a time when Chaos filled the kitchen. Bottles were empty; the baby was crying; I was crying; and the dishes were piled in the sink. Chaos had taken over my life! What was I going to do? What would "Leave it Beaver" June Clever, in her pearl necklace, perfect dress and heels, do in this situation?
I'm standing in my own kitchen in my night gown, dishes in the sink, empty bottles, baby crying, and I'm crying. What I didn't know was that Rescue was about to enter the back door. Just when I thought Chaos had me by the throat, my mother walked in the kitchen. I stopped crying, the baby stopped crying, and like a miracle, things began to take shape in my stressful kitchen. My mother, God bless her, took control and swept Chaos out the door.
Three years later, and now with some life experience, I brought home another little bundle of joy. This time I was better prepared for the responsibility. Chaos had a more difficult time getting a foot hold on me and my kitchen. My mother, along with on-the-job training, had taught me how to be better prepared for motherhood.
As my children grew older, I found that the words of wisdom that I just knew would eventually come didn't. I did not have a script writer to put those "words to grow by" in my head to be released at just the right moment to my doting children.
I really wanted those words of wisdom to be there when my children were teenagers, sadly they weren't. Where was that script writer? I wanted someone to write those words of wisdom for me to memorize and regurgitate at just the right time.
As I grew older, I realized there was a script writer. God gave us life's instructions in the Bible.
It is me again, Lord, thanking you for words of wisdom from the perfect book.
A little Georgia Wisdom: When you need words of wisdom to share with your family, refer to the ultimate script writer. Our God is an awesome God.
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