Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Casey Anthony and Susan Smith: Mothers and Their Dead Children

The news has been filled with the Casey Anthony trial.  Casey Anthony was accused of killing her three year old daughter, Caylee Marie. 
Casey Anthony, Orlando, FL
Booking photo
On July 5, 2011 Casey was found "not guilty" of murder, manslaughter and child-abuse charges; however; Casey was convicted of four misdemeanor counts of lying to investigators who were looking into Caylee's disappearance in June 2008.

Caylee Anthony

When I started this blog, I was going to stay away from current events.  You all have you own opinions about those events and don't want to hear mine, but I just couldn't let this one pass.

Let's go back to the trial of Susan Smith in Union, South Carolina.

Casey Anthony, who is currently on trial for killing her daughter, Caylee Anthony, 2, is being compared to convicted child killer Susan Smith, who murdered her 2 sons in 1994 by strapping them in her car and rolling the vehicle into a lake.
Susan Smith, Union, S.C.

Susan Smith of Union, S.C. was convicted on July 22, 1995 for murdering her two sons, Michael Daniel Smith, 3, and 14-month-old Alexander Tyler Smith by allowing her car to roll into a lake with her two sons strapped in their car seats.
Michael and Alexander Smith
Michael and Alexander Smith
Family Photo
Susan Smith's home video clips and family pictures showed a caring mother who played with her children.  Casey Anthony's home videos and pictures showed a caring mother who played with Caylee.  Neither mother would appear to be abusive and both appeared to love their children.

One question that kept being asked on FOX News, "What was considered child abuse?" If a parent is responsible for the death of a child and had never abused that child, would that one act be considered "abuse"? If the mother waited over thirty-one days without ever reporting her child missing, would that lack of concern for the child's well being be considered abuse?

Susan Smith saw opportunities for a life with a wealthy man, but he didn't share her love for her children, Michael and Alex.  Casey Anthony like to party which was documented by pictures and her tattoo, "Bella Vita" (beautiful life), which she had done while little Caylee was missing.

Both used the "kidnapping" excuse.  Susan reported someone hijacked her car with her two boys in the car; Casey reported a babysitter took Caylee. Both were given high profile status and appeared in the news.  Once the media ball began to roll, there was no stopping it.  The media continued to follow the cases right to the jury verdict.

Susan Smith and Casey Anthony reported they had been sexually abused and used the sexual-abuse defense.  Both turned on family members to explain their behaviors.

What happens to mothers whose children become so much of a burden that they feel they have to kill them?  Susan Smith's ex-husband wanted the boys and would raise them himself. Casey Anthony's parents had offered to adopt Caylee. So, there were other options for these mothers.

My personal opinion is that Casey Anthony is guilty of killing Caylee.  What mother would cover up a child's drowning and then dispose of the body by using duct tape and garbage bags before placing the body in a swamp?

I do not want to make this into a news article; therefore, I will stop here.  You have your own opinions about these cases.

God knows the hearts of these two mothers.  It is not our place to judge them, but it is mighty hard not to want to see them pay for the deaths of those precious children who never had a chance to reach adulthood.

It is me again, Lord, thanking you for all the mothers who love their children and when times are difficult, they seek Your guidance.

A little Georgia Wisdom:  Always seek the Lord when times are difficult and especially when you feel you are at the end of your patience. He will send someone to help you.


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