Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"It's me, Daddy."

My dad love to deer hunt.  He planned his vacation around deer season and needless to say, my mother hated it.  Mom loved the beach, but dad loved deer hunting.  This was a yearly discussion.

One year Daddy shot a deer.  You cannot imagine the joy he had with that deer.  He had the head mounted and it hung in our living room.  Daddy was so proud of that deer.  You could say it was is pride and joy.

The house I grew up in changed a lot over the years.  Imagine, if you will, a three room house.  Now, I did not say a three bedroom house; I said a three ROOM house!  As the family grew, so did the house.  The first addition was to add two more bedrooms, another kitchen, and an indoor bathroom.  No one can express the joy of going to an outhouse in the winter.  Once the wind blew ours over, but that is a story for another day.  There was snow on the ground that day too.  Looking back, that was a funny sight.

Well, I should get back to the deer story.  After my youngest sister and brother made their arrival, Daddy and Momma decided to add more rooms to the house.  The only place they could build  was up, so a two-story house was born.  Remember we started out with three ROOMS and now, the house will have six bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Sherry and Terry thought it was fun to go up the stairs to the unfinished second floor. They like to look where their rooms would be.  On this particular day,  my dad had given the two instructions not to be up there. The floor was not in place; and the lower ceiling beams were now the exposed floor beams for their rooms upstairs.  Daddy sat on the front porch enjoying a summer afternoon.  Then it happened!

My sister Sherry had come through the ceiling into the living room barely missing the deer head-- and its antlers.  She landed on a soft chair, but her pride was in need of medical attention.  Daddy hear the crashing sound and jumped out of his chair on the porch yelling for an answer to his already answered question of what happened.   A weak voice answered, "It's me, Daddy."

Daddy didn't have to punish anyone for disobeying his orders.  Sherry had been punished enough and Terry, well lets just say he was thankful it wasn't him.

It is me again, Lord, thanking you for being there when we fall.

A little Georgia Wisdom reminding you to take the time to listen to what your heavenly Father says.  You will avoid the fall.

1 comment:

  1. Our best memories are those of when we were young.
