Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Where Everybody Knows Your Name"

Help me!  What in the world was I thinking!  Entertaining three kids, who had been sentenced the day before to a day indoors because of rain, is a challenge.  This morning was shrouded in fog, but became an invitation to a typical fall day.  You know the one, warm, clear, and just right for a trip to town.  We started off with breakfast at Burger King.

 "I don't want to go." whined Will.  In an upbeat voice, I politely told him he was outnumbered.  We met my friend Kathy for breakfast.  There is nothing like a road trip to the bathroom (with all three children in Burger King crowns in tow talking in a loud whisper, "We're going to the bathroom.").  Our breakfast ended after two more trips to the bathroom, three falls from the Burger King booth seat, and sticky pancake syrup on pants. (My friend Kathy thinks I will be honored with Sainthood.)

Aha, you would think that would have been enough! But wait!  This story gets better.  Not wanting to end my joyous trip with three wonderful children, we go to the Dollar Tree.  Yes, another store now knows that I am known as "Nanny."  Oh, I am enjoying this.  I have become a celebrity.  I am in a place where everybody knows my name!  Let's not stop here!  No!  We need to go to the bathroom!  On to Wal-Mart!

The bathroom was empty, thank goodness, when we invaded.  Each to his/her own stall, I shouted and called each one by name.  We have the bathroom road trip over, and it is on to the toy section.  The mission:  Show Nanny what you would like for Papa and her to buy them for Christmas.  This took awhile and was interrupted only by trips to (yes, you guessed it) to the bathroom.  Wally World is another place that now knows my name.  I'm going to have my name in lights and sign Nanny autographs.

We ended our journey with a picnic in the park.  Will is a sheriff with a gun and handcuffs.  Julia is sporting a hair piece, and Gracie has cups for her baby.  All three have silly bands.  It has been an awesome day and the best part:  I am their Nanny and everybody knows my name.

It's me again, Lord thanking you for wonderful grandchildren that show you the world through innocent eyes.

A little Georgia Wisdom: Enjoy the moments, even the embarrassing ones, for they make memories.


  1. I am the Kathy that had the privilege of witnessing all the above chaos. I told my son when I got home that none of my children would ever have to worry about me begging for grandchildren. If I ever wanted grandchildren before (and I have not) I am definitely cured now. I'll take my cats. It's so peaceful and quiet at my house.

  2. "Nanny and Papa," were the names given to my parents too when their grandkids came along. Eventually, the names took roots of their own, and for most of their remaining lives were known by every kid in town . . . and, every adult as well as "Nanny & Papa."
